Influence Greatness 2025
Salt Lake City, UT | Sept. 9, 10 & 11
In 2025, our flagship employee recognition and workplace culture conference will take place in Salt Lake City, just 2 miles from the O.C. Tanner headquarters. Join your HR peers for three days of inspiring keynotes, hands-on workshops, and networking on Sept. 9, 10 & 11 at The Grand America Hotel.
We celebrate culture breakthroughs.
Past Speakers
Influence Greatness brings together many of the brightest, most inspirational voices to challenge the status quo, spark new ideas, and promote growth. Here are a few you might recognize from past IG conferences.
Dan Buettner
National Geographic Fellow, Bestselling Author and Blue Zones Expert
Kim Scott
Bestselling Author and Co-Founder of Radical Candor
Raj Sisodia
Bestselling Author, Co-Founder and Former Chairman of Conscious Capitalism Inc.
Indra Nooyi
Former PepsiCo CEO, Global Strategist, and Bestselling Author
Amy Cuddy
Social Psychologist, Award-Winning Harvard Lecturer, and Bestselling Author
Jenn Lim
CEO, Cofounder, and Bestselling Author
Dr. Brené Brown
Research Professor, Storyteller, and NYT Bestselling Author
Tunde Oyeneyin
Author of Speak, Motivational Speaker and Elite Fitness Instructor
David Epstein
Science and Investigative Reporter, and NYT Bestselling Author