Topic: Employee Recognition


Finding the Right Employee Recognition Partner: A Guide for Large Companies

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Finding the right employee recognition partner is an exciting opportunity—and no small task, especially for large companies. Between putting together the right search committee, convincing executives, researching vendors, navigating the RFP process, and building consensus on a final decision, you’ll need to be prepared and can’t do it alone. Use this guide to help you plan, search, and decide confidently.

Here's a preview of what to expect in this eBook:

Step 1: Get executive support

Step 2: Gather your team

Step 3: Decide on your goals

Step 4: Do your research

Step 5: Select your partner

Step 6: Set up for long-term success

If you're ready to take the next step, check out Culture Cloud employee recognition software.

related Resources

Insurance Company: Elevating Culture with Recognition

See how one insurance company elevated their recognition programs from good to best-in-class.

ICF: Making the World a Better Place, One Recognition Moment at a Time

See how recognition can predict turnover at ICF.

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Learn how O.C. Tanner incorporates sustainable practices into the sourcing and creation of custom symbolic awards for recognition moments that help both people and our planet thrive.

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