Topic: Employee Experience


Elevating the Employee Experience: The Critical Role of Human Connections in the AI Era

Elevating the Employee Experience

April 10, 2024

April 10, 2024

6:00 pm

April 10, 2024

6:00 pm

Join O.C. Tanner to explore the irreplaceable value of human connection and employee appreciation in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). This session presented by Selma Mlikota, Director of Marketing Award Lines, and Sandra Cristensen, Vice President of Awards, to delve into why, despite AI's capacity to streamline tasks, the essence of employee recognition and connection remains uniquely human.

In this session, you will learn strategies to create meaningful employee recognition moments that forge deep bonds between employees and their organizations, ensuring a company culture of loyalty and growth for both the employee and the organization.

Sandra Christensen and Selma Mlikota of O.C. Tanner will review examples and strategies for integrating employee recognition throughout the employee lifecycle.


  • Why recognition is important in every phase of the employee lifecycle
  • How you can leverage employee recognition to build purpose, belonging, and fulfillment for your people throughout their entire career with your organization

Register for the webinar here:

About The Speakers:
Sandra ChristensenSandra Christensen

Sandra Christensen

Sandra Christensen

VP, Awards, O.C. Tanner

With over 32 years of experience in employee appreciation award development, Sandra leads the global awards merchandising and award design and development production teams at O.C. Tanner. A designer herself, Sandra has spent her career creating meaningful, lasting symbols of accomplishment.

Sandra Christensen

Sandra Christensen

VP, Awards, O.C. Tanner

With over 32 years of experience in employee appreciation award development, Sandra leads the global awards merchandising and award design and development production teams at O.C. Tanner. A designer herself, Sandra has spent her career creating meaningful, lasting symbols of accomplishment.

Selma MlikotaSelma Mlikota

Selma Mlikota

Selma Mlikota

Director of Marketing Award Lines, O.C. Tanner

Selma Mlikota is the Director of Marketing Award Lines at O.C. Tanner Company, bringing over 25 years of versatile experience in leadership roles across Sales, People Operations, and Marketing. Renowned for her strategic execution, she expertly aligns product development with company strategy and client needs. Selma's educational foundation includes a Bachelor's in Liberal Arts and Science from Utah State University, complemented by executive leadership and advanced HR management certifications from the Eccles School of Business and the University of Utah, respectively. Her leadership ensures innovative and effective market offerings that underpin organizational goals and client satisfaction.

Selma Mlikota

Selma Mlikota

Director of Marketing Award Lines, O.C. Tanner

Selma Mlikota is the Director of Marketing Award Lines at O.C. Tanner Company, bringing over 25 years of versatile experience in leadership roles across Sales, People Operations, and Marketing. Renowned for her strategic execution, she expertly aligns product development with company strategy and client needs. Selma's educational foundation includes a Bachelor's in Liberal Arts and Science from Utah State University, complemented by executive leadership and advanced HR management certifications from the Eccles School of Business and the University of Utah, respectively. Her leadership ensures innovative and effective market offerings that underpin organizational goals and client satisfaction.

SHRM Certification
HRCI Certification
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