Season 3
Distribution Value Stream
O.C. Tanner Supply Chain has three value streams in production. One of those is the Distribution value stream where products are received, stored, and processed for shipment back to our clients. In this video, we take a visit to the ADC building where cranes store products and send them to the production lines.
Our Supply Chain Hope and Purpose for the Channel
Josh and Amberly outline the purpose for creating videos this year. Our viewers will gain insights, share industry best practices, and strengthen our current and future leaders. O.C. Tanner has a strong diverse culture with people from all over the world coming together in one place to help other companies appreciate their employees for doing great work.
Take a Tour of the Pressed Product Value Stream
O.C. Tanner Supply Chain has three value streams in production. One of those is the Pressed Product value stream, where we make icons and emblems. Some of these products include tie pins, dangles, medallions, and coasters, all to symbolically represent years of service for our clients. In this video, we take a visit to the main building where we have 9 manufacturing teams.
Take a Tour of the Custom Product Value Stream
O.C. Tanner Supply Chain has three value streams in production. One of those is the Custom Product value stream, where we make awards from cast, acrylic, and aluminum. Some of these products include trophies and 3D tie pins, all to symbolically represent years of service for our clients. In this video, we take a tour of the main building and the ADC where we have three teams that create these products.
Tour LR Dynamics | Salt Lake AME Consortia
Take a tour of LR Dynamics. They’ve been in business for over 70 years. See how they are returning to basics and applying principles they have learned from all over the industry. Tyler Margetts, CEO of LR Dynamics, is leading the way toward positive change in their operation. On this tour, they focus on improving what bugs them through continuous improvement. They talk about enterprise alignment by creating constancy of purpose, value for the customer, and thinking systemically. Lastly, they highlight cultural enablers by respecting every individual and leading with humility.